Welcome to Deviation Obligatoire’s exploration of Boobs in Pinball. I can’t think of anyone better to welcome you than the Mistress of the Dark herself.
Have you ever thought about what her head is shaped like under there, considering that front-and-center part? I didn’t until I was taking this picture. Now you can too.
Fun fact: there are multiple Elvira-themed pinball machines. I love earth sometimes.

Seriously, her posture, it’s just killing me. It’s like if Ghost World was a little kinder and set about 30 years earlier.
Take a good look at this one. It’s the last stop in Logical-Cleavage-Ville on this tour.

Even this poor, daffy lady whose head is being devoured by her novelty hat had to get out the full cleavage here. Come on.

This is from the backglass of The Champion Pub, my favorite pinball machine these days. You “punch” a bag, you fight a mustachioed dude in an A-shirt, you jump rope with the pinball, and you hit the speedbag. Clever and creative.
Oh, and boobs.

I think this is the kind of art that results from not breastfeeding your children. This kind of early denial can result in a lifelong ignorance of certain basic facts. Learning windows, people.

The Seattle Pinball Museum only has the backglass for this one, but good Lady Internet tells me that it is indeed a fully functioning machine, and an art project at that.
Even so, I have spent too much time working at terrible tourist t-shirt shops to be able to appreciate this kind of terrible punnery. You leave sweet, innocent watermelons out of this, artists.

In this one, the Bride of Frankenstein appears in her now-traditional straight-white-sheet ensemble throughout all the art – except when they chance to go 3D. or 3DDD, if you know what I mean, ha-cha-cha… ahem.

From NBA Fastbreak, my other favorite pinball machine. Shoot baskets behind the backglass, pass back and forth – it’s a clever one. And there’s just a little dash of T, minus the A, down by the flippers.

And here we have the appearance of a kind of over-aerobicized 70s/80s look.
Pinball art is even more concentrated and niche than comics art (although I’m pretty certain there’s a shit-ton of artist overlap, if you go looking). But there’s a glimpse of something weird and personal in some of these. And the distinct aesthetic on this machine makes me feel like that’s what I’m looking at.

Either that star bikini is custom made, or she’s a nipple-placement model for the swimwear industry.

She’s so happy! And cold! And, like her gentleman friend, subject to piercing certain vital viscera should they try to sit down!

I feel like this is some kind of horrible side adventure cut from Preacher for the sin of being too fucked up.
This one’s beautifully drawn, though, and her ring is killer.

I can’t deal with robots with tits. I just can’t. There’s an awful one that I’ve shuddered at for years, but Googling “sexy robot pinball” is as far as I’m willing to go down that rabbithole. I’ll take a picture next time I’m at Shorty’s.
Robots with tits, no no no.

“We are sacrificing our finest beaded nipple patches to appease the gods this day. May they be just and merciful. And just barely rated PG-13.”

And, finally, the one that started it all. I first saw Captain Fantastic at Add-a-Ball in Fremont last year, and I told my friend, “I hold signs like this ALL THE TIME. It’s just so STABLE and PRACTICAL.” And, when I saw our busty friend here again at the Seattle Pinball Museum, I knew what I had to do.
So there you go. Pretty much every depiction of boobs in the Seattle Pinball Museum on September 15, 2013. You’re welcome, America.