This picture looks like it should be part of a real estate ad for a loft with a price approaching seven figures. “Lots of original charm! Plenty of evidence of this commanding space’s former life as a vibrant neighborhood hangout! Eclectic!” But of course it’s just the emptied-out upstairs of the former Bauhaus space. Even so, I kind of want to put my swank queen mattress here and have an unparalled life of bohemian beauty.
Enough to make any bookworm who’s moved more than once have a little shudder, remembering that awkward moment when you curse yourself for your overactive literacy. Or, in the case of here, your overreliance on decorative books to establish ambiance. (Of course, it helps to have what I assume was a handy check from your ousting landlord to pay for burly, enthusiastic movers.)
And now, a look forward at the Bauhaus of Christmas future.
I want to sit in here with coffee and a book and pretend that’s an ordinary thing for me to do.
The new hipster judgment gallery. I loved the old hipster judgment gallery, so I’m jazzed they’re moving on up.
And, finally, a glimpse of the shiny new space in Ballard. The whole muted-tones-san-serif style that’s overtaken the Northwest actually works very well on shared public spaces dedicated to caffeine consumption.
All pictures courtesy of my oldest friend in Seattle, hot tipper/photographer extraordinaire!