Oh, yeah. That.
Know Thyself
Since getting a camera in August (my beloved Canon PowerShot SX280, thank you), I’ve had regular and accumulating evidence of the things my eyes are drawn to. The shortlist:
- Trees, foliage, and other plant life
- Street art
- Birds
- Urban weirdness
- Repeating patterns
- Small, easily overlooked details
You can know these things about yourself. I’m a fairly visually oriented person and fairly self aware as well. Even so, you don’t quite get some things until you see them collected.
1. Victoria Maple, 2. victoria branches, 3. Allen Library, UW, with foliage, 4. yellow, 5. Tree by Diamondhead, 6. UW campus, early Saturday morning
I likes trees. No, not those trees.* Just… trees. Looking up at them, all flora unfurling above me.
What else do I enjoy? Well.
We all have our preoccupations. I just hope yours bring you as much happiness as mine bring me.
P.S. This grid is brought to you by this handy little site. If Deviation Obligatoire becomes a plague of photo mosaic grids, you know who to blame. (Me.)
*Ok, those trees too, but that’s another subject altogether.
Tales from the Ladies’
A very small selection of the carefully added graffiti in the women’s bathroom of Smith.
A fact not universally known: women’s bathroom walls often contain some hot truth. If you need advice, especially on your worth and how to conduct yourself in a relationship, you could do worse.
These pictures are mine, but if you want LOTS more from other people, go here.
Of COURSE the new planet in Fremont has a ring covered in solar panels. How could it be any other way?